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The Cyberflix Media Center and its operations have been indefinitely suspended.

"All those moments... will be lost in time, like tears in rain..."

Cyberflix was founded on the principle of preserving unique and special moments, as captured in our motto, "All those moments...," a homage to the poignant line from the film Blade Runner: "All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain." This quote not only reflected our massive archival efforts but also the ephemeral nature of digital experiences shared by our users on our platform.

In pursuit of this mission, Cyberflix utilized an enterprise Google account to manage the extensive storage requirements of our nearly 100TB Media Library. Unfortunately, in 2023, Google intensified its scrutiny of accounts with unusually high storage demands, leading to the irrevocable suspension and deletion of Cyberflix's data on March 1, 2024. While we anticipated this possibility, its reality arrived too soon.

The indefinite suspension of Cyberflix follows as we explore alternative storage solutions to resurrect the nearly 100TB of content that once constituted the Cyberflix Media Library. It is my hope that we can revive and perhaps even surpass the reach of this project in the future. I am immensely grateful for your support and engagement with Cyberflix, a project that has been a profound passion of mine and will always remain dear to my heart.

In closing, this journey mirrors the essence of our motto, symbolizing both the impermanence and beauty of digital creation: "All those moments... will be lost in time, like tears in rain."

Thank You

- BobDaGecko

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